Doula Services

When you decide to include a doula on your birth team, you improve your chances of having a healthier and more empowering birth. What is a doula? A doula is a professional who provides emotional, informational, physical, and practical support for the expectant, laboring, or postpartum mother. A birth doula specializes in supporting the mother during labor.

Dozens of research studies have conclusively shown that birth doulas not only help the mother emotionally, but also increase the chance of her having a healthier birth and newborn.

Just what has research shown? When you have a doula at the birth . . .

  • Your risk of having a cesarean section, forceps delivery, or episiotomy drops.
  • Your ability to cope with the pain improves, decreasing the possibility of needing pain medication.
  • Your relationship with your partner is likely to grow stronger.
  • Partners stress is lessened and relieved
  • Overall anxiety is reduced with a constant, calming presence
  • You’re more likely to succeed with breastfeeding your newborn.
  • You’re more likely to be confident in your mothering skills.
  • You’re more likely to view the birth experience in positive terms.
  • You’re more likely to see your body as strong and capable.

The research clearly proves that doulas make a big difference.

So what would I do as your doula?

Your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum needs are unique. They will be attended to with mindfulness, flexibility, expertise, respect and loving care.

I provide nurturing physical, social, and emotional support. I can help you cope with the changes and challenges that pregnancy brings, help prepare you for parenthood, and help plan the kind of birth you desire. My support comes in many ways and we will find what works best for you. To help facilitate labor and provide pain management, I work with empowering encouragement and compassion.

I will be available via telephone and email for support and advice throughout your pregnancy and immediate postpartum. I will be on call 24 hours per day from two weeks prior to your due date until your baby is born. I will join you when you are ready for me, either at your home, birth center or at the hospital. I typically join you at your home to support you and your partner through labor and help you navigate the journey with more ease and comfort.
During your labor I will be a constant calm presence and provide encouragement and emotional support, physical comfort measures, and an objective viewpoint. I will help assist you for pain relief in labor and will make suggestions for position changes and relaxation. Regardless of whether you want a natural birth or pain medications during labor, I will support your decisions fully. I believe in a woman’s ability to birth her baby. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner. I will help you get the information you need to make an informed decision. I will also remind you if there is a departure from your birth plan/vision.

My trainings and certification for labor support includes:

  • Nutrition and herbal remedies for comfort, healing and nourishment
  • Prenatal Yoga: Positions to encourage progress and relieve discomfort 
  • Guided relaxation and breathing exercises (pranayama) w/guided visualizations
  • Acupressure Points for labor
  • Aromatherapy
  • Water therapy and the application of heat and/or cold
  • Use of labor tools such as a birth ball, massage tools, rebozo, etc. I have many tricks in my birth bag.
  • Pain coping techniques
  • Optimal Fetal Positioning
  • Partner Support & Guidance

Additional Services Offered:

  • Childbirth Preparation- Education and guidance for you and your partner for a more easeful, comfortable, enjoyable and healthy labor and delivery of your beautiful baby(s).
  • Prenatal Massage / Acupressure
  • Attend childbirth classes along with or in place of the partner*
  • Photographs or videotape of birth and new baby
  • Accompany mother to meet with doctor or midwife*
  • Comprehensive written record of the birth*
  • Belly masks/casts and other birth art*
  • Breastfeeding preparation, information and supportWithin my scope of practice
  • Referrals to other doulas, birth professionals and health practitioners
  • Back-up doula available if necessary, upon request
  • Newborn Care: baby’s first bath, infant massage, baby wearing, bonding with baby, co sleeping and sleep support, breastfeeding support, soothing baby, understanding baby cues, diapering baby, green  living for/with baby, digestive help and healthy baby tricks.*
  • Postpartum Doula Care Service: *healing and recovery help from labor and delivery (emotional and physical), lactation and breastfeeding support and education, new baby care, bonding tricks with baby, moral support, massage for aches and pains*, infant massage*, sibling care and transition support, and house hold help and errands*
  • Mother Roasting; moxibustion to help bring the uterus back into optimal position, help bring your milk supply in, help alleviate back pain, help the kidneys function at their optimal level and help soothe and heal the mothers body from labor and delivery                                                                        

* Additional fee may apply  

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